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On the 17th of June 2019, God orchestrated a prayer event at SUNCORP where over 700 Christians from over 20 churches prayed for our city & nation. This year we would like to rally the Christians in Brisbane to pray for our city, nation and the world again. We believe God wants our city revived not for us to simply enjoy church, but for evangelism to happen and the bringing in of many harvests.

The Date

On 11th April 2019, Tevita Koloi, who is the chaplain of the Tongan Rugby Union team, received a vision of a mass prayer rally at Suncorp Stadium on the 17th of June. Given the short amount of time to organise such an event, Tevita began to speak to some of the senior pastors of churches in the city. Amazingly, the 17th of June date was supernaturally confirmed through Ps Royree Jensen in Springwood, who received a prophetic word from a prophet from the UK (Gary Morgan) in 2018 that something significant would happen in Royree’s life on the 17th of June 2019. We were also sent a prophetic word from Prophet David Wagner who ministered at Riverlife church on 30th August 2018 talking about sporting stadiums around
Australia is filled with mass prayer gatherings.


Lang Park was named after Rev. John Dunmore Lang who mobilised a missionary movement for Australia & the Pacific Islands in the 1830’s. (The site was also an Indigenous tribal meeting ground). At first, we didn’t understand why we felt the Holy Spirit say have the prayer gathering at Lang Park (Suncorp) stadium, but we were again quite miraculously informed by Ps Charles Newington through a chance meeting about the history of Rev. John Dunmore Lang. We felt from the LORD that God wants us to raise up an altar of prayer at this site for the city of Brisbane to perhaps launch forth another missionary movement for our nation and the other nations. As you may be aware, there is still an Anglican church (an altar) at Suncorp stadium.

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